Internet technology has brought revolution in people’s mindset of all the categories of life, and is now set to take over the business community and trade too!
Just look at several ways in which internet technology has brought changes to a better (although some will not agree with me!) –
(a) Mobile phones advertisements are claimed to claim to connect people around the world. And that is right! Landline telephone services have been lowered into the past – it is Voice Over Internet Protocol now (VoIP). You save costs and save time!
(B) What about shopping? This is the biggest boon offered by the World Web. Whether it’s fitness equipment, clothes, books, DVDs, digital mp3 sistemi operativi players – anything, everything can be purchased online from the comfort of your own home. You pay online, and everything is sent to your residence.
(c) Postal services and courier services are no longer in the request as much as they do in the past. Electronic mail services or emails have taken over!
(D) Internet technology has disrupted your personal life too! There are specially intended websites to repair dates. You can check your chosen person before actually meet him. There is no expenditure that is not necessary for soft drinks or food, and no more hurt!
(e) Cookbook is no longer needed to find out the menu for any special event. Cooking websites can give you delicious recipes – as much as you want.
(f) The biggest headache for you and I am a bill payment before the due date! Automatic payments are possible online. They can be associated with loans, utility bills, insurance bills or credit cards.
There are many, more ways in which the internet has revolutionized the world, but it will be too tiring to register everything here! So some examples are enough to give you a general description of technological advancements.
“Victim” The latest internet technology is the world of trade! This has introduced trading software. Before entering for all types of trading software, it is recommended to check its features –
(A) There must be facilities to allow simultaneous opening from various windows. You can then compare various exchanges or online markets. You can even do all windows simultaneously.
(B) This must facilitate the examination of various types of data. You must be able to compare these items at once.
(C) There must be an automatic evaluation of the famous market indicator. This is a fibonacci series, moving average and stochastic. Indicators must be designed so that they can easily switch from one to another. For example, go from stochastic 5 days to stochastic 9 days.
(D) Finally, you must be able to track your profits and losses through routine updates about the closing price on the market.
Now, why internet technology produces trading software and why do you need it?
Whether you are a broker or shareholder, you are worried about assets and securities – you trade it. You are also interested in how much you might benefit, or what losses you spend with an unwise investment. All of this is difficult to do manually, therefore the entrance to the trading software.